Fire Suppression Systems
The latest in technology, FIREFOX offers a complete system, including Stainless Steel tubing, fittings and all required nozzles. The FIREFOX ODB System (Omnidirectional Discharge Bladder) separates the extinguishing agent from the cylinder’s discharge pressure (Nitrogen) and as a result delivers 100% extinguishing agent to the fire. Unlike most other systems on the market, the bottle can be mounted in any direction and it will not affect operation.
Complete Systems include SS line, nozzles, fittings & Billet Mounting Brackets
Pull Head includes a 4 foot Cable Assembly
Custom Lengths available
5 lb Push $460
5 lb Pull $499
6 1/2 lb Pull $558
6 1/2 lb Push $492
10 lb Push $734
10 lb Pull $755
20 lb Funny Car Kit
Two 10 lb bottles
includes 6 nozzles & 2 push heads $1082
Pneumatic Adapter Head $71.10
Please call for installation instructions